The Javali coffee range
Here at Javali Coffee Roasters, we roast micro-batches to provide you with the fine taste of 100% pure Arabica coffee you can only expect from handcrafted coffee. As we roast to order, it will always arrive to you at its freshest.
To suit your preferred taste, we have 2 caffeinated and 1 decaf options available. Ranging from medium to dark roasts, all of these flavours will let you discover the rich aroma, and share in this taste experience with us.
Brazil (Roast level : Medium)
A delicate profile with a sweet aroma and hints of toasty almonds. This is a cup with a full creamy mouthfeel, mild fruits and almonds in the flavour, and some cocoa in the aftertaste.
Colombia (Roast level : Medium)
Fresh fruited aroma with sweet and chocolaty notes makes this coffee reminiscent of a delicious dessert. It has a bold creamy body, with hints of stoned fruits in the flavour and a creamy chocolaty aftertaste.
Decaf Colombian Excelso (Roast level : Medium to Dark)
This decaf option is for the coffee lover who may be sensitive to the effects that caffeine has. A flavourful cup with a dark chocolate aroma and spicy notes. It has a full creamy body with mildly fruited, sweet flavours and a chocolaty aftertaste.
Our Decaf Colombian beans are decaffeinated using a carbon dioxide process instead of using chemicals, making it 100% organic.